The National Swedish Handicraft Council
The National Swedish Handicraft Council is a public agency that reports to the Ministry of Culture. Our misson is to promote and support handicraft all over Sweden by increasing people’s interest and knowledge in the area.
The Council disseminates information about handicrafts, arranges conferences and seminars. The focus is on information, investigatory work and initiation of development projects.
The Council’s first priorities are children and adolescents, diversity, creative business, heritage and sustainability, we support the development and influence of handicraft throughout Sweden.
The Council allocate state grants to work that furthers and develops handicraft through various organisations, projects and other activities. The total funding is circa 11 000 000 SEK
(900 000 EUR).
The Government appoints the council itself for a period of three years and currently comprises nine members. The Council has 2,5 employees.
The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket Länk till annan webbplats.) in Stockholm hosts the National Swedish Handicraft Council.
Collaborative Cultural Model and the Collaborative Council
The National Swedish Handicraft Council is a member of the Collaborative Council.
The Collaborative Cultural Model was introduced in 2011 to create greater scope for regional prioritisation and variation. County councils or regions decide, following dialogue with the municipalities the arts and the civil society representatives in the respective county, how the Government grant is to be allocated to regional cultural activities.